Welcome to SWITCH. We are all about long boarding and long distance skateboarding.
Our goal is to help you get into this amazing sport and do it safely. Please check out our blog for more articles on getting started with the action sport.

About Switch Magazine

Whats is Switch Magazine?

Switch Magazine is an internet only magazine started January 1 2000 (revised many a times since then) which brings together features, photos and facts about the skateboarding world.

What does Switch Magazine offer?

Switch Magazine offers
Original Interviews: Interviews with ams and professional skateboarders
Skatepark Information: We have information on over 450 skateparks, this includes address and phone numbers as well as park reviews and QTVRs for several of the parks.
Contest Coverage: Pro and Am contests with photos and results.
Product reviews: Information on the newest product and videos.
Trick tips: Trick tips for all levels of skateboarding, from “how to ollie” on up.
Links: Over 400 links from all areas of skateboarding.
Music interviews/CD reviews: Skateboarding a music go hand and hand, you can find info on band you are interested in as well as an MP3 (when the band allows it).
More: Contests, wallpapers, a calendar of events, reader letters and contributions etc…

How often Switch publishes?

Switch Magazine is no longer issues based and adds new content multiple times a week.

Contact Switch

Feel free to reach us for whatever you have about this passion sport. Our staff will respond you as soon as possible.

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