360 Pop Shove It – Explained in 5 Simple Steps with GIFs and Slow-Mo Videos

360 Pop Shove It / 360 Pop Shuvit
360 Pop Shove It / 360 Pop Shuvit

A Little History of the Trick

What is a 360 pop SHUV it called?

The trick – “360 Pop Shove It” as referred to by most skateboarders has 2 more variations. Some combine the shove it into one shovit. The other version combines shove it into one with “o” replaced by a “u” and omitting the “e” resulting in 360 Pop Shuvit. Both of these are slang for the original name.

Is a 3 SHUV a 360 SHUV?

A 3 Shuv is this 360 Shuv or Shove. Wondering why such names? Well, skateboarding has a lot of slang. For almost every skateboard trick you will find 3 – 4, sometimes even more names. And most of them will be slang or regional.

360 Pop Shove It is one of the many versions of the beginner skateboard trickShove it. Shove it is where your board rotates 180 degrees with your front foot barely leaving the deck. All this while your backfoot pushing and shoving.

The original trick is believed to be originated by Ty Page, a very famous professional skateboarder, especially in the 1970s. This is one of the reasons the “shove it” is also known as the “Ty Hop”.

So in 360 Pop Shove It – the board goes a full 360. Interesting here is the 540 Pop Shove It where your boards complete one and a half rotations. This addition was done by Jasper McLean in the 1980s.

How do you use 360 fs pop shuvit?

The 360 pop shovit can be done front side and back side both. The 5 step guide below describes the front side shuvit. Most skateboarders prefer the fs because it is much easier to pop the board from it’s tail. However the real test according to us is to it bs or the backside.

We mostly prefer backside which requires to scroop the board from its nose and not its tail. Frontfoot is the one doing all the job here. The backfoot is placed facing the rim of the board close to the nose, whereas the front foot is placed in line with the skateboard, facing the nose. You pop from there, the board roates 360 and you land along.

360 Pop Shuvit BS is one of the advanced skateboarding tricks which we have covered in our other post. Click advanced tricks to know more about it.

Is a Bigspin a 360 shove it?

Bigspin is a version of 360 Pop Shove It. When your body moves in synchronization with your skateboard, performing this trick, you are doing a Bigspin. Note your body just spins in a 180 degrees varial and not 360.

Check this video below to practice Bigspin skateboarding –

Skatedeluxe video showing 360 Bigspin in Slow-Mo

5 Simple Steps for “360 Pop Shove It FS”

1) Push at a medium speed or what you know is best for you.

2) Place your front feet over the bolts. The back foot should be on the tip of the tail.

3) Scoop from the back foot and toss the skateboard into the air. The front foot does not need to be detached from the board – in fact you can feel the wood rotating below it. If even the frontfoot goes in the air that is also okay.

360 Pop Shove It - 360 Pop Shuvit
4 image 360 Pop Shove It Style – switchmagazine.com originals

4) As you attempt, twist your hip backside as you kick your board around (try it 180 first until you are comfortable).

5) Then watch your board spin and stay above it. Don’t be scared, it will come around. Remember the faster the better

6) Roll away, make sure you throw some style into it.

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